Optional Managed Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • When you’ve got a dedicated hosting service, 24–7–365 monitoring is mandatory. You need to know if the different services are working properly and whether there’s any problem with any of them. However, it’s a very tough and time–swallowing process. This is why we suggest that we perform this job on your behalf. Our Optional Managed Services solution includes a great monitoring software tool, which will keep constant track of each of the processes running on your dedicated hosting service to determine if everything is running smoothly. If there’s ever any problem, it will automatically alert our system administrators.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Backup Space

  • If you are working with business–critical data, it’s a must to have a backup of everything, and even more so if it’s your own business data. That is why we give you a 50 GB off–server backup storage space with our Optional Managed Services solution. You’ll be able to save all the crucial data on a different backup server with RAID disk drives that is part of the same network. This will make the backup process faster than the speed of light. And our skillful sysadmins will help you set up an automated system that will back up everything without you needing to raise a finger.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • It can be quite aggravating if you’d like to run a web app or a service on your dedicated hosting service, but you just keep coming across difficulties. This is when our Optional Managed Services solution can save your day – it offers installation and troubleshooting tasks. It means that one of our highly skilled senior sysadmins will be working thirty minutes solely on the problems that you have specified. You can ask him to install an app or a service, or to correct a problem that you keep noticing. Or to upgrade your server OS.

Avalable with all our Dedicated Hosting Services