Optional Managed Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • When you are far too busy working on your website or developing your apps, you barely have time to monitor what is happening with your VPS – whether it is overloaded or whether all the services are running the way you expect them to. With our Optional Managed Services solution, we will take care of this on your behalf. Your VPS server will be included in a custom–built monitoring system and every time there’s a trace of a trouble, our server administrators will be alerted right away.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • Creating a backup of a Linux Virtual Private Server is not the simplest job in this world. You will either need to use some other server or your desktop computer, or arrange some third–party tool. We offer a much simpler way with our Optional Managed Services deal. We’ll create a full backup copy of your VPS server every week, so you never need to worry about permanently losing any essential info. Last but not least we can retrieve a backup copy very quickly. All our backups are retained on a special server with a RAID array of hard drives, so if anything happens to any part of your stored hosted content, we’ve got your back.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • If you’d like your VPS server to have video streaming or video conversion capabilities, you need to install & configure specific software programs on it. And if this may sound like something far too complicated for you, then our Installation & Troubleshooting solution, an essential part of our Optional Managed Services deal, is definitely the right thing for you. While using it, you will have the complete and uninterrupted attention of one of our senior system administrators who will install and set–up any software program or take care of any problem that you’re experiencing with your Virtual Private Server.

    The Optional Managed Services solution comes bundled with the majority of our OpenVZ Linux Virtual Private Servers. With our KVM Linux Virtual Private Servers, it is an additional feature.

Available with all of our Virtual Private Servers