AAAA Records in Shared Web Hosting
The highly developed Hepsia hosting CP, which comes with our shared web hosting, will permit you to set up a new AAAA record effortlessly. When you are inside the account and you go to the DNS Records section, you'll discover all records you have for any hosted domain address or a subdomain under it. All it takes to set up the AAAA record is to click on the New Record button, to pick the domain/subdomain in question, pick AAAA and then only type in or copy and paste the IPv6 address. We also have a step-by-step guide if you've never created records for your domain names, but it is extremely unlikely that you'll need it as Hepsia is much easier to use in comparison with other Control Panels available on the market. Within an hour your new record shall be active and your domain address shall start resolving to the servers of the other provider. In addition, there’s an option to modify the TTL value, which determines how long this record is going to be functioning if you change it, from the standard 3600 seconds to any value the other service provider may require.