A mailing list is a collection of email addresses that receive the exact same email simultaneously. When you send an email to the mailing list address, it will be redirected to all the addresses on that list automatically, but none of the receivers will know who the rest of the recipients are. In the general case, people have to sign up for a list, but occasionally email addresses are included manually without the permission of their owners. Depending on the given mailing list administration software, you may also be able to approve new subscribers, so people cannot join your mailing list unless you okay their signup request. The mailing list option is extremely handy in case you want to send regular newsletters or some other type of regular announcements to clients, considering that you’ll have to send one single email message and all the subscribers will receive it instantly. As a consequence, you will not need to type in numerous mailboxes manually.

Mailing Lists in Shared Web Hosting

Each and every Linux shared web hosting that we offer will allow you to create multiple mailing lists and to manage them without difficulty. You can select the mailbox which will be associated with the mailing list and that will be used to send messages. You can select an admin address and password as well. The Majordomo software that we employ comes with numerous features, so you can authorize or remove subscribers, see a list of all active members, and much more. You’ll be able to receive a full list of all presently available functions and commands if you send an email message to majordomo@your-domain.com with the word "help" in the body of the message. Adding or deleting a mailing list is just as easy and takes just several clicks in the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel.