No Overselling in Shared Web Hosting
You will never encounter a situation where you are unable to use some of the attributes which we offer with our shared web hosting packages because we don't oversell and we actually provide what offer you. Leaving aside the fact that establishing mutual trust is something we believe in, we can afford to offer you even unlimited features since in contrast to a large number of rivals, we do not run everything on a single server. Instead, we have built an excellent cloud platform where the file storage, databases, Control Panel, emails, and nearly every other service has an individual cluster of servers to manage them. This configuration allows us to attach hard disk drives for additional disk space and whole machines for additional computing power, so we can never run out of system resources. The Hepsia Control Panel was created to run in the cloud, so if you acquire one of our hosting packages, you will be able to use what you have paid for at all times.