An email filter is a software app that runs on a POP3/IMAP mail server and monitors all incoming emails in order to stop any unwelcome ones from reaching a certain inbox. A few examples of such emails would be: offers for pills or cash, false banking statements or attachments that contain malware sent with the intention to infect your PC. Spam filters usually examine the content of an email and if they detect particular keywords or other dubious content, they either delete the email message or re-send it to the Spam/Junk folder instead of the Inbox folder. Some companies mix their own spam filters with up-to-date databases from spam-tracking organizations, so as to ensure higher levels of security for their customers. Such databases include patterns, mail server IP addresses and other info about spam messages recently uncovered by these organizations.

Spam Filters in Shared Web Hosting

If you get a shared web hosting package from us and if you take advantage of our mail services, you will be able to enable anti-spam protection for any of the mailboxes that you create from the Email Manager section of your Hepsia Control Panel. With only several mouse clicks, you can pick between five separate security levels. If you start getting spam, you can begin with the lowest one and then slowly increase the level until you stop getting spam. We make use of one of the very best and most famous filters available on the market called SpamAssassin. It checks the header and the body of every message that you receive and calculates a spam score, based on which it either deletes a specific email or permits it to reach your inbox. The Hepsia Control Panel will also permit you to activate custom email filters and either delete undesired emails or redirect them to a third-party address such as where you can read them once again later.